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Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Here we go again. Time to reduce academy chains to clusters of three schools.

An academy chain has been accused by Ofsted inspectors of not making enough progress, with warnings the quality of education for too many pupils is "not good enough".
The E-Act trust runs 23 academies across England and the Ofsted report says pupils from "poor backgrounds do not do well enough" in its schools.
Last month the academy chain scrapped all its local governing bodies.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

AET Failure?

This post is not a "told you so", but I have made my views known publically, and in my resignation feedback, that Greensward, Maltings and New Rickstones opportunities have been squandered by an over-inflated, over-managed, monolith that dictates top down policies, instead of the highly successful classroom innovations of Greensward that shared best practice up the chain of command.

Once again I call on the three original academies to retrieve the Greensward Charitable Trust from being the vehicle that gives charity status to the AET and go it alone. This is about the children and not overpaid egos.