In my experience, the loss of fantastic teachers to other schools dilutes the original school's success and demotivates those left behind. The 'failing' schools' staff are then perceived by parents to be incompetent and useless. The 'failing' schools are judged on the results of the most over-tested children in the World and rarely has anything to do with poor teaching. The socio-economic divide and the expectations of children are the real causes of 'poor' results. To be frank, as in my school days in the 50's and 60's, some children are just not up to getting 5 A*-C GCSEs, and the jobs they took after school were worthwhile but now degraded in value. To expect 90%+ plus to gain A* to Cs is unrealistic and setting some pupils up to fail.
In addition to removing good teachers from their schools, she intends increasing testing of Primary students. For goodness sake stop torturing them and let them have a childhood. We all find our level in the end.
Time for a moratorium on school changes and the setting up of a national task force to develop the paradigm shift in education that we desperately need.
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