My interest in researching remote methods of delivering teaching and learning took a blow recently when I failed in my bid to get funding for a research project. The application is reproduced here for the interest of educators:
Employment History (5/7)
Job title
Retired Teacher
Name and address of employer
List, in brief, previous employment or occupations
Shipwright Artificer - Royal Navy Submarine Officer - Royal Navy General Manager -and Business Management Teacher - Business Studies, Law and ICT
Briefly list appropriate qualifications, if any. In particular, if your project is science or medicine related, please include your relevant qualifications
BA(Hons) Business Studies P.G.C.E. (Secondary) (Business and Economics Education) M.Teach Fellow Mirandanet FCollT
Additional Information (6/7)
Interests outside normal work
Motor cruising, dinghy sailing, kayaking Community Volunteer with Victim Support
Apart from holidays, have you ever been abroad; if so, where and in what connection?
Africa, Asia, Australia, USA, Mediterranean and European countries - Royal Navy New York with Business Studies students Denver, Colorado to write a report on the provision for TaG students
Project Details (7/7)
Project Description
To evaluate Disrupting Technologies for Remote Teaching and Learning
Please indicate under which category you are applying
Education - Education Futures
Which country(ies) do you wish to visit?
- Australia
For how many weeks
State the background to your proposed project.
Since qualifying as a secondary teacher at the age of 50, I have, and continue to, research various Disrupting Technologies to bring education to students who could not access school for a variety of reasons. I have run a 'virtual classroom' successfully. During early research, I discovered that the Alice Springs School of the Air achieves consistently higher results than mainstream schools by remote education. I wish to show that UK schools could utilise this pedagogy to reach school refusers.
Describe the aim(s) of your project
To understand how the School of the Air, and parents, maintain motivation to study in the face of geographic isolation by working with School of the Air, and visiting the remote communities that they serve. To compare the School of the Air results and processes with Queensland schools (Townsville) and, main cities such as Sydney. To promulgate the findings and possibilities with UK academies, LEA and free-schools via presentations, TES articles and using the global Mirandanet Fellowship based in the UK, and proselytise the benefits of remote digital learning for certain students and schools.
Describe how you will carry out your project
The Alice Springs School of the Air is one of the world leaders in teaching children by remote and ever changing technologies. One week working with the school in Alice Springs with the teachers and administrators will give a clear insight into the methodologies being used. A further week spent visiting remote communities will show how the school and the parents maintain motivation and focus by their children. It is also necessary to compare the School of the Air with other Australian states and schools to discover any fundamental differences between them and the School of the Air, and also the UK best practice. Two weeks researching, team teaching and meeting parents and children in schools in the North East town of Townsville, followed by the final two weeks following the same aims and objectives in Sydney will give a clear and usable pedagogical data. A report would then be written and shared with Government Departments, Academy Trusts, Local Education Authorities and clusters of Free-schools.
Describe the benefits of your project, to others as well as yourself
There appear to be a number of benefits for education in the United Kingdom that can be derived from a better understanding of providing education via remote access such as 'virtual classrooms', quizzing programmes such as Socrative, Second Life and MOOC courses (massive open online course). The benefits can include educating school refusers, the long-term ill, prisoners, isolated communities in the Highlands and Islands, and excluded and disruptive children. The dissemination of this fascinating topic can be processed by presentations, magazine articles (e.g. TES), and television interviews. Using academy and free-school trusts, the Mirandanet Fellowship and teacher training establishments, the thinking around Disruptive Technology can be promulgated.
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